Thursday, May 13, 2010

Proof Copies and Endorsements

I suppose it's time to post another semi-annual blog about the adventures of my book. I haven't been totally stagnant! After several great edits from family and a final edit from a professional editor, I finished and tried a couple of agents. Alack and alas, I was thwarted. I was not finished, however. I printed up 20 "proof" copies and my dad has given them out to several high profile people. I have already received 2 endorsements for the book now. My first endorsement was from none other than Vernon Law, 1960 Cy Young award winner for the Pittsburgh Pirates and winner of that year's World Series against the New York Yankees. I just got word that an old friend of Dad's who coached several college basketball teams has agreed to endorse it also.

This is fantastic as I have other potential endorsements in the works as well. Endorsements could be the difference between me getting a publisher to actually publish the book and my having to self-publish. Good endorsements always help sell the book as well. I am very excited about this and figure after about 1/2 dozen or so endorsements, I'll start pitching the book again to some publishers and see where it goes....Exciting stuff!


Dara McFarlane said...

yahoo! go daddy!! I am so happy for you!

Angie Adam said...

I'm so excited for you Daddy!!! I have been reading the copy you gave Dara and I and I LOVE it =)

Alicia said...

Awesome, Dad!! Can't wait to see where this goes!! So proud of you!

Katie Gleed said...

woohoo!!! You did awesome and I loved the book!